Laboratory Skills & Biotechnology Skills Bootcamp
Fully Funded 10 Day Course
Available Dates

This course provides learners with the opportunity to learn or improve their practical skills and the knowledge and understanding of contemporary practices in the field of biotechnology.


Bootcamp participants will complete a significant number of practical experiments, specifically chosen due to their importance within the field of biotechnology. These practical experiments will allow learners to understand the scientific principles underlying Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), gel electrophoresis, Microbiology, Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and Western blotting.

What to expect

This bootcamp runs from 9am-4pm for 10 days with an hour break for Lunch. Students are expected to complete 60 Guided Learning hours over the course of the 10 days before they can receive their certificate of completion. Throughout the bootcamp, learners are assessed and get personalised feedback from the lecturers to help participants improve on their current practices.

This course is particularly suitable for:

  • Biology science graduates and undergraduate students who have just finished their course and are about to start their first role in industry.
  • Newly hired industry scientists (particularly Early Career researchers who had a disrupted training year during the pandemic).
  • Non-biology science graduates who want to gain lab experience outside their own subject area.
  • Academic and industry technicians who support practical science & research.
  • Experienced biologists who want a practical skills refresher.
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Course content

Day 1- Introduction to Laboratory skills

On the first day bootcamp, participants learn how to professionally conduct themselves in a laboratory. Learners also learn the importance of Personal protective equipment (PPE) and how to correctly wear their PPE. Learners are taught basic laboratory rules and safety as well as how to properly fill out a COSHH form. Learners then perform molarity calculations after which they make stock solutions and measure the PH of these solutions. Furthermore, lecturers emphasize the importance of maintaining a professional lab book, which ensures meticulous documentation of all scientific endeavours.

Day 2 and 3 - PCR and Gel Electrophoresis

Bootcamp participants will be introduced to PCR after which they will make PCR reactions and run PCR cycling conditions using a PCR machine. Learners will then perform gel electrophoresis after which they will visualise and analyse their bands using an imaging system. Students will also quantify DNA using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer.

Day 4 and 5- Microbiology

Bootcamp participants will learn and practice aseptic techniques after which they prepare nutrient broth and agar. Students spread and streak plates with E. coli and B. subtilis after which they investigate the effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics on the bacteria cultured. Following overnight culture of bacteria, perform Gram staining and view their stained slides using a microscope.

Day 6 and 7- ELISA

Students are introduced to immunology and the underlying principles around ELISA. Students then use a detailed protocol to perform Indirect and Sandwich ELISA. Students use a plate reader to read and analyse the results from their assays to enable then diagnose infectious diseases.

Day 8 and 9- Western Blotting

Students are taught comprehensively and practice all the steps involved in western blotting. Students prepare and load their samples unto SDS-PAGE gels, transfer separated proteins unto membranes after which they probe for certain proteins using specific primary and secondary antibodies. Students view and analyse protein bands using an imaging system. Students then perform Bradford assay to quantify total protein in their samples.

Day 10: AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) and Student presentations

On the last day of the bootcamp, students receive advice and guidance on how to write professional CVs that will get them into employment. Students also receive useful information on how to conduct themselves during job interviews.

Finally, students give a presentation to the other students in their group after which they answer questions related to the presentation. Learners then receive constructive feedback from the lecturers about their presentation.

Course Endpoint

Learners will gain competence and confidence in an array of specially selected practical techniques which are commonplace across multiple disciplines of contemporary biology.

Learners applying for jobs who take on board all the information during the AIG session will be in a better position to shortlisted for more interviews and get job offers because they are now equipped to be excellent at their interviews.

Furthermore, our lecturers endorse on LinkedIn the skills learnt over the 10 days with us.

Support After Completion

Support after completion The company maintains all student documents including references and photos for 3 years after course completion, allowing for personalised references to be provided for future interviews. The Student Liaison team maintains contact with students after their course to assist and advise on job interviews, whilst course lecturers and mentors are available to support with mock interview practice for up to 6 months after course completion. BioGrad has partnered with Reed Scientific to assist students from skills bootcamps into scientific and laboratory based work after course completion. Students who are unsuccessful at interview may be offered a short work experience placement at BioGrad Diagnostics to further support their CV. They will also be offered a 30-minute interview session with the BioGrad Diagnostics HR department.

Success Stories

"Had a fantastic time at the BioGrad Education Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Practical Skills bootcamp over the past two weeks!

This amazing course boosted my skills and confidence in working in a lab environment. It was great to refresh knowledge of apparatus, aseptic techniques, and health/safety in detail. Working with expert scientists and lecturers, I've been introduced to techniques such as ELISA assays and Western Blots, while practicing techniques familiar to me, including PCR, bacterial streaking, and Gram staining. I also had the opportunity to present my Honors Project to the class, and learn about other interesting projects!

Most memorably, I was honored to meet Natalie Kenny, the CEO of BioGrad , during a very informative CV writing workshop. Natalie is a truly inspiring and successful business owner and scientist, who works hard to engage women within the R&D field and showcase their contributions to the scientific community. Her personal and career journeys were amazing to hear and her kindness and passion was undoubtedly uplifting and motivational. A true icon and role model!!

Lastly, a huge thank you to those who recommended this course to me and made it happen, and the amazing people I met and worked with! I look forward to seeing how you all get on in the future - best of luck! :)”

"A couple of weeks ago I finished one of the most amazing training courses I have ever attended. After being off work (in a care setting)for a few years I decided to attend this boot camp as a stepping stone to get back into the workforce. I have learnt a lot of amazing laboratory techniques. We experienced Biotechnology techniques and methodology, in the lab we did hands-on techniques from ELISA, DNA Extraction and quantification, a PCR, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Western blot and protein assay to all of which was delivered by all our amazing lecturers. And now two weeks later BioGrad has given me the opportunity to be part of their amazing team. Thank you so much Natalie Kenny for this wonderful opportunity and I am looking forward to welcoming more people to BioGrad to gain the skills I now have."

"I recently completed a practical Laboratory Skills in microbiology and biotechnology with certification at BioGrad Education. It was an amazing experience for me, giving me the confidence to work in the Laboratory by supporting my knowledge in RT-PCR, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Western blot, ELISA, Bradford assay, cell culture, DNA extraction and quantification among others. Happy to work with other great minds from different races and disciplines, you guys are amazing, you made it worthwhile and more enjoyable for me. Special thanks to BioGrad Education management team for the experience, Natalie Kenny for the initiative and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for the opportunity and support financially to fund this project."

How to apply?

To ensure you are eligible to participate in one of our fully funded courses please contact us directly by phone or email.


Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with an employer.


61 Stephenson Way, Liverpool L13 1HN.

Contact us

0345 565 1725

Available Course Dates
Current Academic Year 01/09/2024 to 01/09/2025
Start date: 24th February 2025
Course Duration: 10 Days (Mon - Fri)
Location: Liverpool Science Park
To apply for this course, please click on the link above
Start date: 3rd March 2025
Course Duration: 10 Days (Mon - Fri)
Location: Liverpool Science Park
To apply for this course, please click on the link above
Start date: 10th March 2025
Course Duration: 10 Days (Mon - Fri)
Location: Liverpool Science Park
To apply for this course, please click on the link above
Start date: 17th March 2025
Course Duration: 10 Days (Mon - Fri)
Location: Liverpool Science Park
To apply for this course, please click on the link above

Our courses for the next academic year will be available soon. Join the BioGrad Education waiting list by clicking here, and our team will contact you as soon as a place becomes available.